How To Know If I'm Dreaming. The Common Dream Signs.

How To Know If I'm Dreaming. The Common Dream Signs.

 This obviously one of the biggest questions you should know the answer to. how to tell if you're dreaming or awake. we have talked before about sleeping and some tips and tricks to get sleep faster and easier. we did also an article about the importance of sleep.

today we are going to talk about dreaming and how to know if you are dreaming or what you see is real. we will get right to it.

How To Know If I'm Dreaming. The Common Dream Signs.

Top 7 Tips And Tricks To know If You're Dreaming.

first of all, you just found your self there right?
you might as well check appearances.

perform reality-check tests

check your environment.

check the people around you.

if you're surprised that they are there. you are dreaming.
check your self. if you notice anything different.

test your self, strength, and ability.

check your common everyday habits.

perform the reading test.

try to read anything. look away and come back again for reading. if it's not the same. you are dreaming.

know the common dream signs.

inner awareness, Action, Form, And Context.

here's the way to harness it to possess lucid dreams. We'll do that by identifying dream signs.

Dream signs provide clear lucidity triggers, sparking your higher conscious brain to contribute with the realization: "Hold on - I'm dreaming!"

Talking animals, deceased people, flying cars, and even subtle differences just like the color of your front entrance can all make perfectly good dream signs.

The Four sorts of Dream Signs

Inner Awareness 

- there's something strange about your thoughts, emotions, sensations, or perceptions. Example: once I believe lifting off the bottom, I buy excited and begin floating upwards into the night. Conclusion: I'm dreaming!


- Some physical activity seems wrong within the dream. Example: As I drive down the road I realize that neither the steering or brakes have any effect on the car's movement. Conclusion: I'm dreaming!


- the form or appearance of an individual, object, or place is unusual or maybe impossible. Example: the person features a really small, shrunken head which looks comical sitting upon his massive broad shoulders. Conclusion: I'm dreaming!


- things you're in seems unusual or contrary to the real world. Example: I'm living during a futuristic Martian colony, and feel as if I even have been here for several years. Conclusion: I'm dreaming!

By categorizing your dream signs into one among these four groups, you’ll learn to ascertain the way your dreaming mind works once you sleep. this suggests you'll hone in on the foremost common dream signs personal to you and train yourself to acknowledge these triggers at any time.

How to Identify Your Dream Signs

Go to last night's dream in your journal and underline all the dream signs you'll find. Categorize all by writing IA (inner awareness), A (action), F (form), or C (context) next thereto.

Now do an equivalent for the previous dream. In fact, return as far as you'll, identifying all dream signs in your journal and categorizing them into LaBerge's system.

Count up each occurrence and identify your commonest sort of dream sign. it isn't essential but it'll personalize subsequent step. Next, study that category of dream check-in waking life.


Paying attention to dream signs isn't just an exercise in outward observation. it is thanks to promoting inner self-awareness too.

The moment you start questioning the character of your waking reality, you'll become habitually susceptible to questioning the character of your dreams.

And for several, this is often the fastest thanks to spontaneous lucid dreams.

So provides it a go immediately. Start trying to find (and playfully imagining) anomalies when you're awake, and this may tune you into lucid dream signs when you’re asleep.

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